Chilcombe Bottom View


Batheaston Parish Council represents the first tier of local government for our community. Elections for Councillors are held every four years. The Council is supported by a part-time paid Clerk to the Council.

Your Councillors are unpaid and are committed to enhancing the quality of life for residents and to promoting Batheaston as a pleasant place to live and work.

The aims of your Parish Council include :
- To help create a socially inclusive and caring community which embraces all residents regardless of age, gender, race or religion and seek to promote mutual co-operation.
- To represent the local community in a fair, balanced and informed manner to improve the quality of life for everyone living and working in the Parish and ensure community well-being and sustainability.
- To be transparent and informative on village matters, to communicate well with residents and understand their needs and provide a representative voice for the Parish when working with adjacent authorities and external agencies.
- To manage the Parish Council's assets and finances in an open, effective and efficient manner to achieve best value for all residents.
- To maintain and improve amenities, including leisure and play facilities, to a high standard to meet the needs of the community.
- To preserve the heritage and rural environment of the Parish and where appropriate to seek enhancement.
- To encourage participation by all in activities beneficial to the community, especially with regard to the natural environment, inclusivity and social responsibility.

The next meeting is the Annual Meeting of Electors, on Tuesday 10th May at 7:15pm, to be held in the Rhymes Pavilion. The agenda is below. 

The next Council meeting is the following Tuesday, 17th May, same time, same place.  

Annual Meeting of Electors Agenda
